Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hey again. off the farm. had a little trouble today. we're staying with mary's grandmaother but arleta and mary's grandma don't get along. there was abit of a....i'm not gonna say argument but it definitly was not a pleasent moment and now jay and arleta are staying in a motel for the night. i think that they may have been expecting us to stay there as well but i couldn't see the point in it. i don't know i mean i understand that they're not staying and arleta is pissed but i have a feeling that she is upset with us as well. i am some what concerned that this may be the end of our friendship. i hope it is not but when she gets angry the rest of the world may as well not exist. so i'm not sure what will happen. tomorrow we're supposed to stop by the motel and see what the plan is for tomorrow. i just hope everything works out all right.
Peace Folks,

Monday, August 28, 2006

Hey how we doing? i'm alright just trying to get packed up. you never really notice how much shit you got til you gotta move it all you know. i'll tell you one thing i've got way more stuff than my girlfriend. she has more clothes i've got more junk. hopefully i can ditch some of it. there are just some things that i don't feel like i need anymore. for example i have a Jedi Knight Luke action figure. it would be great if it was an original but alas it is from when the movies were redone. i mean do i really need to be toting that around? it wouldn't be bad if that was they only piece of junk i owned but oh there is plenty more. both my parents were packrats so maybe that's where i get it from. it's wierd you want something but you never use it and you finally work up to throwing it away and then it's like you never owned it that's how little it meant to you. well anyway i should be getting a u-haul at some point today. get that bitch loaded clean up and get the fuck out.
Peace Nillas,

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Okay well we went to court and the verdict is in. We're out of here. rather quickly to got nine days. well that was counting yesterday. So it's time to pack like a mother fucker. don't worry though folks we're looking for a new place in the area. we like to think of this as kind of a dry run. it'll work out some where else. it's funny while it sucks that we're out it's kind of nice to know that we don't have to deal with mahlon. he may have had the capacity to be a nice guy but i never really saw that shine through. well anyway i think i'm going to write the paper because the way it seems is that everyone else who's ever been here has just quietly slipped into the night. also this may sound odd but i feel as though i aught to apologize to the local community. well i'll keep writing if you'll keep reading.
Peace Nillas,
Kyle A. Clark

Friday, August 18, 2006

Hello everyone. Been a bit huh? So anything new? Nothing much here just working and more working. Though I can’t really say that that’s the proper term. Mainly I’m in the restaurant doing busy work and occasionally someone happens upon the place. I sometimes wonder if customers see the look of surprise on my face when they come in. it’s not all busy work I mean I do stuff that needs to be done it’s not like I wipe down a clean counter or just do pointless tasks to keep my hands busy. a lot of people stop for the gift shop aspect. If only we had a real gift shop. Mainly what we have is a bunch of old shit upstairs. Some of it is antiques but mainly it’s just old stuff. Some of it is really pretty nice but those are naturally the things that we don’t have prices for. It would be awesome to sell some of this stuff but it seems like every item that someone actually wants is unlabeled and Mahlon hasn’t gotten us the god damn price list. It’s just frustrating you know. And I hate having to tell people again and again that “Sorry we’re not sure what that costs” it just feels like an excuse you know what I mean. Well anyway I think that’s quite enough bitching from me sorry getting off my fourth seventeen. Up at five in bed at eleven at the restaurant in between. It’s cool though Sundays coming up that means sleeping till like seven who would have ever thought that seven could be sleeping in. anyway I’m out.
Peace and Love Nillas,
Kyle A. Clark

P.S. cause I know it’s been eating you up the A. stands for Adelbert (Uh-dell-bert) and the computer is telling me I spelled it wrong. Screw you computer.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Not about world peace!

World Peace. That’s what I was told that the pamphlet I was handed was about. Well it wasn’t it was about how I’m wrong they’re right and if I keep going the way I’m going I’m screwed. I don’t get it. I mean I’ve got to give the jehovas witnesses some props it does take some dedication to go around handing out those little pamphlets but I definitely took it under false pretenses. She said “Here’s some literature about world peace.” And then promptly left. She didn’t even stick around to see if I had any questions. By the way the world governments are apparently controlled by satan and the end of times is near. Oh and if you don’t convert you’re going to hell or whatever. Well you’re at least not going to eternal salvation that’s for sure. Now it seems to me that if god was going to stop on down and spank us it would have happened a while ago. I’m not disagreeing that the end of the world as we know it may be close but I don’t think it will be all fire and brimstone. More of a slow transition into a different way of life. It just annoys me that people assume that others are so ignorant that you need only to condense a list of beliefs into a three fold booklet and they will suddenly see the light. People will worship and believe as they see fit. You’re not going to change someone’s belief structure by giving them a piece of scare tactic (complete with pictures of starving child, and dying old man on respirator) and walking away. I’m not trying to knock anyone I just don’t like having someone I don’t know and knows nothing about me assume that they have a better way for me. I am willing to take what others have to say into consideration but not if they are not willing to have a discussion on the subject. Well anyway that’s my rant for the moment. Otherwise things are all right here, the pie case blew though. I was getting ready to open a few days ago and from the screen in the box over the motor I started to see what appeared to be a small fireworks display. Oh and smoke. Naturally I unplugged it, which was kind of dumb cause I could have gotten shocked. I didn’t fortunately but now the pie case doesn’t work. We still have pies but they are just out of sight for the moment. All right well that’s all I feel like typing right now. Oh yah tomorrow is Sunday. AWESOME!!!!!!! Sunday means sleeping in. I get to sleep till like seven ah-boh-ah-yah. Hope to see you soon.
Peace Nillas,
Kyle A. Clark

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Once again at the restrizzy. What’s good folks? We had a nice breakfast this morning. It’s odd since we started putting on breakfast we have seen a bit of a drop off in our dinner crowd. Granted a bit of a drop is about all we can possibly have. Turned the radio on for the first time in a few days and it’s working right now. The other one broke, no explanation just broke. One moment it worked the next bam dead. Seems to be the way of things here it either works or it doesn’t. No that’s not true we’ve got plenty of stuff that works like crap. Our weed-eater works but will terrify you. It kinda sounds like it’s going to explode. Well more like it will burst apart and send shrapnel. I know what you’re thinking “same thing” not exactly. I don’t think smoke and fire will be involved I think it’s more that one day it will just have had enough and try to take me with it. Who knew that you could diagnose a weed-eater as homicidal suicidal? Then again Larry says it’s been making that sound for years. Is this really so important I can justify dedicating this much writing to it? Ehh…whatever. So I think I figured out something the other day. I was thinking about god and what not. Now I’m not all about Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, or whoever else but I got no beef with those that are. Whoever can believe whatever as long as A.) No one gets hurt. And I mean mentally emotionally and physically. And B.) You don’t mess with someone else believing what they believe. That’s one of the great things about this country is you can believe what you want. Well sometimes you catch some flack depending on your beliefs and how closed minded some other people are. Where was I going with this again? Oh yah. So you ever play Age of Empires? Well I played the second one not the first but the same idea applies. In the game you are effectively god. Or the king or whatever you’re in control of the world. Any game in this genre will work as an example. Anyway in the game there are a few ways to win. One of them naturally is to destroy everyone else. The other is through diplomacy. You acquire peaceful relations with you neighbors and eventually become allies. There are three classifications for other civilizations enemy, neutral, and ally. Now you can hang out for hours with everyone set to neutral. I mean the game could go on forever. Or at least until you run out of resources on the map. Now I’ve been on good relations with everyone and worked towards peace and all that. The whole time though you are building an army and technology. At some point you will get bored with trying to make nice. Then you set out for world conquest. But what I feel you really head out to get is a little excitement. Now this may not make sense to anybody else but me but it seems that if there was a higher being. Which I personally acknowledge as existing but simply have no clue who, what, how, or why it is. If it had any interest in what was going on in the world/universe in general (who knows what’s going on off our little rock) then it would have the capacity to get bored and there by decide to start some shit. That was just an odd little thought I had the other day and decided to share with one and all. So the next time you see some war that’s being waged stop and wonder if neutral simply got clicked over to enemy. Well that’s it for me.

P.S. I lied that’s not it. I am looking for role-players in the local area. I have a good understanding of all white wolf games and d&d editions 2-3. I am always looking to find a new game. My e-mail should be listed in my profile. All right now I’m done.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Hello folks, this is kyle. I'm sure that you would figure it out eventually. don't know why i feel the need to tell you everytime. well working in the restaurant today. atleast until around four. mary is bothering me again. oh yah she asked me not to mention here in my posts but well, i have a shovel and love to dig for the sake of comedy. yesterday i took a walk and it was awesome. i haven't just walked in forever. i was trying to identify some plants and stuff. well i'm out.
Kyle A. Clark

Friday, August 04, 2006

Good evening folks. It’s me. That’s right again. I am presently over at the restaurant. Waiting for customers and the special to be done. Then I can change the marquee. It’s lasagna by the way. Mahlon is being uncooperative, not surprising but frustrating. He showed up yesterday to “discuss” things, unannounced I might add and during business hours. Granted it’s almost always during business hours here but if he had called ahead we could have worked something out. I don’t know things will work out. I’m a little tried, worked a seventeen yesterday and am at around hour 10 or 11 for today. Only 6 or 7 seven more to go. It will be nice when we can hire some employees. So I learned something yesterday. You know how I love to share what I learn from customers. Well anyways we had a British family come in they are staying at the St. Lawrence Experience just down the road. Well they kept saying “cheers” nearly every time I did something for them. So before they left I asked what exactly it meant because I do love my slang, and I enjoy diversifying it, so apparently cheers I an informal thank you. Much like thanks. Actually just like thanks but cheers instead of thanks. Just passing that along. Oh also the Atlantic Ocean is the “Pond”. Rather a large pond but hey tomato, tomahto yah know. We did have a good day yesterday it was a bit hectic but hey that’s life, love it or leave it. Not that I encourage the later but hey do what you gotta do. Well Mary is hovering and sighing. Not like she couldn’t use the computer later but whatever.
Kyle A. Clark

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

hey, me again. Today was melon farming hot. but we do have ac now, sort of it's cooler than outside but not cold. that's fine by me. i don't understand why people make it freezing in their stores. maybe they figure they can make you stay in their store. well sure you have more people milling about but that doesn't mean that they're buying anymore than they would be normally. so then i guess you've suceeded in getting loiterers. awesome. i'm not saying that i don't want people to hang out in the restaurant, by all means come in and stay as long as you want makes no difference to me yah know. we can hang out. i don't know this is just kind of a ramble so now it's done. just wondering a bout that you know. breakfast went well and poorly this morning. i was kind of a tool. i got up and went to the restaurant and instead of waking james up.(power went out alarm malfunctions you know how it is) i just went "Oh it'll be fine" and still had to wake him up when guess what, we got customers. i have now been told not to open the doors without a cook. you'd think i could have gotten that one on my own right. i think but the problem is A.) i tend to think more than i act B.) I have a major concern about getting yelled at. in general i'll get myself bitched at anway more than i should just to put it off for a little while. well flaw identified now it's just eliminating it right? right. Wow odd mood, well my wrist is starting to cramp and i want to get to some work. oh we may be running an abosolutly rock out with your **** out (hint rythms with rock) special. it's the "P to the P, with The M and the Chee" it's just fun to say. try it. It's what i have like everyday for lunch. It consists of from left to right Pickles (dill slices) hot Pepper (sliced and spread thinly) yellow mustard and american cheese. tried it with swiss, just not the same. used to eat just plain pickles mustard and cheese. the addition of the peppers took it to a whole new level and i've just never looked back. well anyway it's a rocking sandwich everyone here says it's gross i say they have no taste. but then again i just plain love condiments. alright well really must go. sorry again but the weird mood deal with it.
Peace Nillas,
Kyle A. Clark

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