Sunday, July 16, 2006


Coming along, renew...

Well the hammer came down, and now we begin mounting a legal defense. Mahlon has decreed that we have defaulted, when in reality we have 30 days to correct breech of material, as does he. Anyway, we are looking to mount a legal defense and hope to at least come out with a new contract, if not a purchase contract. We see the lawyer soon, and we will know then where we stand. There are many who would like us to win this fight, and we will fight because it is worth it. I believe no one has fought Mahlon, therefore he feels that we also will just walk away. We will fight, because we can do good things here, and we will not give up without exercising our right to dispute. Of course we are nearly broke, and business isn't picking up fast enough to make up the difference. We will be trying to raise capital for our legal defense. Some of this will come from a few concerts that we are trying to organize. If anyone out there has any other ideas, or would like to contribute please call the Iroquois Farm or Country Garden Restaurant.

Otherwise, today after being served with the papers from Mahlon, we began speaking about the options. Further, I am concerned about some of our members, they may be getting scared. We are going to be working on the private space by the water this week, because we will need it. The gardens are what they are going to be, and the Organic ones just need to be planted out. We have too much debt to profit ratio, but that will change soon, I hope. I need more time to be able to network, but that may come this week. There have been several people that have expressed interest in helping us, so maybe this is the right thing. My last few post were kind of depressing, but I am not infallible. I get back on the horse, and strive to ride at least a few more miles until the nest time that nothing seems to be working. The plans I have are all scattered, and it may take me at least another week to put it down on paper, but that is the next step.

We hope to get a few grants and loans to really get the ball rolling, and if anyone wants to help us out there, lend a hand with the accounting, or anything else in the financial area, we would be appreciative.

Kyle is working hard, despite his reservations, although he tries to hide it. Mary is afraid but she has learned to trust the truth. Arleta is starting to feel a little better, which is great for business, because we will have deserts again. I give Jess credit, her cake was good, and she was nervous, once she gets a little confidence, she could really start to cook well. She still has while to learn to think on her feet, but it better that she keeps to asking for advice until it comes natural. The key to being good is that you don't think about it, you do it, because you have had too adapt so many other times. Paul, well he is still a bit lame, but his body will heal, if he allows himself to. He is fighting an internal battle, and yet he continues to live in it. He does well with instruction, but is yet to learn the lesson of shift. I feel I need to take more time with him to learn to shift. I myself am just tired, trying to live on a couple of hours a night sleep, and till function. It will be hard to let my guard down now because there is so much I must do, and I am the pivot point here for now. I would like to find a few wealthy partners who could see our vision (my vision) and assist us in realizing it. This might come from doing the business plan, but most likely it will come from some one who happens to take an interest in our story and pitches in to make this happen for their own reasons. We will be going to press after talking to the lawyer, but for now it is safe to say that we will continue to make progress, and work to contribute to the community as we can, as soon as we can.

Thank you everyone...


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