Friday, July 28, 2006


i always draw a blank when thinking of titles

Word my sniggies. how we doing? lost the g*d damn internet. ever notice how on t.v. they always bleep out god and not damn. don't get it but what ever. yesterday i learned how to make sour kraut. a customer told me. you take a large crok (however you spell that) and it's 1/2 pound of pickling salt to 20 pounds of shredded cabbage. you lay down one layer then another and alternate. it all gets shoved down with a bat or board. then you put something heavy on top like rocks or garbage bags full of water. wait a couple of weeks and bam. thought i'd share that. anyways we now have propane again which is good. our advertising will be out either today or tomorrow. awesome. also we will be open for breakfast starting monday. that's cool but it means long days until we can hire a few employs. i just hope we can find some reasonable people. i'm sure we can. well i believe it's about time to get over to le restaurante. didn't know i could speak french.
Kyle A. Clark

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