Friday, August 04, 2006

Good evening folks. It’s me. That’s right again. I am presently over at the restaurant. Waiting for customers and the special to be done. Then I can change the marquee. It’s lasagna by the way. Mahlon is being uncooperative, not surprising but frustrating. He showed up yesterday to “discuss” things, unannounced I might add and during business hours. Granted it’s almost always during business hours here but if he had called ahead we could have worked something out. I don’t know things will work out. I’m a little tried, worked a seventeen yesterday and am at around hour 10 or 11 for today. Only 6 or 7 seven more to go. It will be nice when we can hire some employees. So I learned something yesterday. You know how I love to share what I learn from customers. Well anyways we had a British family come in they are staying at the St. Lawrence Experience just down the road. Well they kept saying “cheers” nearly every time I did something for them. So before they left I asked what exactly it meant because I do love my slang, and I enjoy diversifying it, so apparently cheers I an informal thank you. Much like thanks. Actually just like thanks but cheers instead of thanks. Just passing that along. Oh also the Atlantic Ocean is the “Pond”. Rather a large pond but hey tomato, tomahto yah know. We did have a good day yesterday it was a bit hectic but hey that’s life, love it or leave it. Not that I encourage the later but hey do what you gotta do. Well Mary is hovering and sighing. Not like she couldn’t use the computer later but whatever.
Kyle A. Clark

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