Friday, August 18, 2006

Hello everyone. Been a bit huh? So anything new? Nothing much here just working and more working. Though I can’t really say that that’s the proper term. Mainly I’m in the restaurant doing busy work and occasionally someone happens upon the place. I sometimes wonder if customers see the look of surprise on my face when they come in. it’s not all busy work I mean I do stuff that needs to be done it’s not like I wipe down a clean counter or just do pointless tasks to keep my hands busy. a lot of people stop for the gift shop aspect. If only we had a real gift shop. Mainly what we have is a bunch of old shit upstairs. Some of it is antiques but mainly it’s just old stuff. Some of it is really pretty nice but those are naturally the things that we don’t have prices for. It would be awesome to sell some of this stuff but it seems like every item that someone actually wants is unlabeled and Mahlon hasn’t gotten us the god damn price list. It’s just frustrating you know. And I hate having to tell people again and again that “Sorry we’re not sure what that costs” it just feels like an excuse you know what I mean. Well anyway I think that’s quite enough bitching from me sorry getting off my fourth seventeen. Up at five in bed at eleven at the restaurant in between. It’s cool though Sundays coming up that means sleeping till like seven who would have ever thought that seven could be sleeping in. anyway I’m out.
Peace and Love Nillas,
Kyle A. Clark

P.S. cause I know it’s been eating you up the A. stands for Adelbert (Uh-dell-bert) and the computer is telling me I spelled it wrong. Screw you computer.

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