Monday, August 28, 2006

Hey how we doing? i'm alright just trying to get packed up. you never really notice how much shit you got til you gotta move it all you know. i'll tell you one thing i've got way more stuff than my girlfriend. she has more clothes i've got more junk. hopefully i can ditch some of it. there are just some things that i don't feel like i need anymore. for example i have a Jedi Knight Luke action figure. it would be great if it was an original but alas it is from when the movies were redone. i mean do i really need to be toting that around? it wouldn't be bad if that was they only piece of junk i owned but oh there is plenty more. both my parents were packrats so maybe that's where i get it from. it's wierd you want something but you never use it and you finally work up to throwing it away and then it's like you never owned it that's how little it meant to you. well anyway i should be getting a u-haul at some point today. get that bitch loaded clean up and get the fuck out.
Peace Nillas,

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