Tuesday, August 01, 2006

hey, me again. Today was melon farming hot. but we do have ac now, sort of it's cooler than outside but not cold. that's fine by me. i don't understand why people make it freezing in their stores. maybe they figure they can make you stay in their store. well sure you have more people milling about but that doesn't mean that they're buying anymore than they would be normally. so then i guess you've suceeded in getting loiterers. awesome. i'm not saying that i don't want people to hang out in the restaurant, by all means come in and stay as long as you want makes no difference to me yah know. we can hang out. i don't know this is just kind of a ramble so now it's done. just wondering a bout that you know. breakfast went well and poorly this morning. i was kind of a tool. i got up and went to the restaurant and instead of waking james up.(power went out alarm malfunctions you know how it is) i just went "Oh it'll be fine" and still had to wake him up when guess what, we got customers. i have now been told not to open the doors without a cook. you'd think i could have gotten that one on my own right. i think but the problem is A.) i tend to think more than i act B.) I have a major concern about getting yelled at. in general i'll get myself bitched at anway more than i should just to put it off for a little while. well flaw identified now it's just eliminating it right? right. Wow odd mood, well my wrist is starting to cramp and i want to get to some work. oh we may be running an abosolutly rock out with your **** out (hint rythms with rock) special. it's the "P to the P, with The M and the Chee" it's just fun to say. try it. It's what i have like everyday for lunch. It consists of from left to right Pickles (dill slices) hot Pepper (sliced and spread thinly) yellow mustard and american cheese. tried it with swiss, just not the same. used to eat just plain pickles mustard and cheese. the addition of the peppers took it to a whole new level and i've just never looked back. well anyway it's a rocking sandwich everyone here says it's gross i say they have no taste. but then again i just plain love condiments. alright well really must go. sorry again but the weird mood deal with it.
Peace Nillas,
Kyle A. Clark

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