Saturday, August 12, 2006


Not about world peace!

World Peace. That’s what I was told that the pamphlet I was handed was about. Well it wasn’t it was about how I’m wrong they’re right and if I keep going the way I’m going I’m screwed. I don’t get it. I mean I’ve got to give the jehovas witnesses some props it does take some dedication to go around handing out those little pamphlets but I definitely took it under false pretenses. She said “Here’s some literature about world peace.” And then promptly left. She didn’t even stick around to see if I had any questions. By the way the world governments are apparently controlled by satan and the end of times is near. Oh and if you don’t convert you’re going to hell or whatever. Well you’re at least not going to eternal salvation that’s for sure. Now it seems to me that if god was going to stop on down and spank us it would have happened a while ago. I’m not disagreeing that the end of the world as we know it may be close but I don’t think it will be all fire and brimstone. More of a slow transition into a different way of life. It just annoys me that people assume that others are so ignorant that you need only to condense a list of beliefs into a three fold booklet and they will suddenly see the light. People will worship and believe as they see fit. You’re not going to change someone’s belief structure by giving them a piece of scare tactic (complete with pictures of starving child, and dying old man on respirator) and walking away. I’m not trying to knock anyone I just don’t like having someone I don’t know and knows nothing about me assume that they have a better way for me. I am willing to take what others have to say into consideration but not if they are not willing to have a discussion on the subject. Well anyway that’s my rant for the moment. Otherwise things are all right here, the pie case blew though. I was getting ready to open a few days ago and from the screen in the box over the motor I started to see what appeared to be a small fireworks display. Oh and smoke. Naturally I unplugged it, which was kind of dumb cause I could have gotten shocked. I didn’t fortunately but now the pie case doesn’t work. We still have pies but they are just out of sight for the moment. All right well that’s all I feel like typing right now. Oh yah tomorrow is Sunday. AWESOME!!!!!!! Sunday means sleeping in. I get to sleep till like seven ah-boh-ah-yah. Hope to see you soon.
Peace Nillas,
Kyle A. Clark

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