Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Okay well we went to court and the verdict is in. We're out of here. rather quickly to got nine days. well that was counting yesterday. So it's time to pack like a mother fucker. don't worry though folks we're looking for a new place in the area. we like to think of this as kind of a dry run. it'll work out some where else. it's funny while it sucks that we're out it's kind of nice to know that we don't have to deal with mahlon. he may have had the capacity to be a nice guy but i never really saw that shine through. well anyway i think i'm going to write the paper because the way it seems is that everyone else who's ever been here has just quietly slipped into the night. also this may sound odd but i feel as though i aught to apologize to the local community. well i'll keep writing if you'll keep reading.
Peace Nillas,
Kyle A. Clark

Sorry to hear about things... I grew up in Lisbon near the farm and always thought the place had tremendous potential. Hope you stick things out in the North Country and find that not all local businesspeople are like M. C.!
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