Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Once again at the restrizzy. What’s good folks? We had a nice breakfast this morning. It’s odd since we started putting on breakfast we have seen a bit of a drop off in our dinner crowd. Granted a bit of a drop is about all we can possibly have. Turned the radio on for the first time in a few days and it’s working right now. The other one broke, no explanation just broke. One moment it worked the next bam dead. Seems to be the way of things here it either works or it doesn’t. No that’s not true we’ve got plenty of stuff that works like crap. Our weed-eater works but will terrify you. It kinda sounds like it’s going to explode. Well more like it will burst apart and send shrapnel. I know what you’re thinking “same thing” not exactly. I don’t think smoke and fire will be involved I think it’s more that one day it will just have had enough and try to take me with it. Who knew that you could diagnose a weed-eater as homicidal suicidal? Then again Larry says it’s been making that sound for years. Is this really so important I can justify dedicating this much writing to it? Ehh…whatever. So I think I figured out something the other day. I was thinking about god and what not. Now I’m not all about Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, or whoever else but I got no beef with those that are. Whoever can believe whatever as long as A.) No one gets hurt. And I mean mentally emotionally and physically. And B.) You don’t mess with someone else believing what they believe. That’s one of the great things about this country is you can believe what you want. Well sometimes you catch some flack depending on your beliefs and how closed minded some other people are. Where was I going with this again? Oh yah. So you ever play Age of Empires? Well I played the second one not the first but the same idea applies. In the game you are effectively god. Or the king or whatever you’re in control of the world. Any game in this genre will work as an example. Anyway in the game there are a few ways to win. One of them naturally is to destroy everyone else. The other is through diplomacy. You acquire peaceful relations with you neighbors and eventually become allies. There are three classifications for other civilizations enemy, neutral, and ally. Now you can hang out for hours with everyone set to neutral. I mean the game could go on forever. Or at least until you run out of resources on the map. Now I’ve been on good relations with everyone and worked towards peace and all that. The whole time though you are building an army and technology. At some point you will get bored with trying to make nice. Then you set out for world conquest. But what I feel you really head out to get is a little excitement. Now this may not make sense to anybody else but me but it seems that if there was a higher being. Which I personally acknowledge as existing but simply have no clue who, what, how, or why it is. If it had any interest in what was going on in the world/universe in general (who knows what’s going on off our little rock) then it would have the capacity to get bored and there by decide to start some shit. That was just an odd little thought I had the other day and decided to share with one and all. So the next time you see some war that’s being waged stop and wonder if neutral simply got clicked over to enemy. Well that’s it for me.

P.S. I lied that’s not it. I am looking for role-players in the local area. I have a good understanding of all white wolf games and d&d editions 2-3. I am always looking to find a new game. My e-mail should be listed in my profile. All right now I’m done.

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