Thursday, July 13, 2006


Hazah and Yay!

whelp finally did it. up at six. it was definitly everything i could have hoped for and more. i got up and did a short pilates set. very short cause i can't remember much about them. pilates is a series of stretches created by joe pilate. i guess the story goes something along the lines of he wasn't supposed to be able to walk and decided to show everyone they were wrong. anyways it is a great stretching exercise if you ever get a chance to go to a seminar or what not i would jump on that shizzy. but basically yesterday was the same old same old got up watered then worked up front all day. i have got to find more to do when we don't have customers. oh james is making breakfast today. same thing i made yesterday except minus the words undercooked, gooey, and probably mickey mouse. he told me that i forgot a leavener or something like that. basically i couldn't find the baking powder. no big, people still ate them. oh paul hurt his knee. i'm not sure what he did but his knee sucks anyway so it's not surprizing. he went to the hospital and stuff, we'll see how long he keeps the stabalizer on. i give him like three days before it starts to tweak him. well i think i'm about spent word wise.
Kyle A. Clark

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