Wednesday, July 12, 2006


It's been a while, since blah blah blah blah

Hello. been a few days what's going on. not to terribly much here. fought with the sprinklers and lost. so now i get to play sprinkler. i got all the watering done in like an hour today awesome. then i made breakfast. undercooked bacon and slighlty gooey mickey mouse pancakes. there is a reason i'm front end. tried getting up at six again today. i got up wandered around downstairs and then reset my clock and went back to bed. yesterday i ended up making it downstairs but falling asleep on the couch. if i just take it slow i'll make it eventually. four months ago i called anything before ten an ungodly hour in the morning now i want to see the good end of six. What? ridiculous. well anyway, i'm up front today so i better go.

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