Sunday, July 09, 2006



Morning, well i tried getting up earlier than i usually do. it didn't work out. i use a two alarm system one next to my head to wake me up then one a minute later across the room to get me up. i woke up resest my clocks and went back to bed i guess i'll try for six tomorrow. yestersday was good, for me atleast. not that much buisness in the restaurant but i was outside all day. i cut some wood, put plants in the ground, watered, made firewood bundles, did i do anything else? oh yeah i sharpened up the blades on this tractor mower thing i think the brand is like a bush hog or something. i don't know what equipment is called. but james was using it and asked me to sharpen it. he wasn't so much cutting the grass with it as bludgeoning it. Oi alright time to start doing stuff.
Kyle A. Clark

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