Thursday, July 13, 2006


No where man

Well it’s been something, but I am too exhausted to continue any longer. Right now I just want to walk away, start over somewhere else. The unfortunate fact is I can’t. I have put everything into this project, as has everyone involved. We can not find the finances to make another month, or to continue, so we must consider the consequences. I will be in contact with a lawyer next week in the hopes that we can force some type of action to stall long enough to obtain the financing to purchase either this property or one that is of equivalent value. We have an opportunity here to do some real good work, not just for ourselves, but also for the community, but not under the current conditions. There were so many plans I wanted to make happen. I really wanted to turn it around into the sustainable agribusiness it should be. A part of the community that the community could be proud of, but that seems as though it is not to be. I owe too much to turn back, so what do I do now? If anyone wants to suggest anything, I am open to any assistance.


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