Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Today from the Iroquois Farm

Well lets see, this morning I made oatmeal for breakfast, and then began building beds in f2. There is a lot of work to do, and I am ultimately running out of people who will do the work. Half the time they are resting, because this is hard work for city folk. We are not taking in enough money to cover the expenses, but we are taking in more money. We will be hosting a few benefits for both the farm and a few well deserving charities. We are also trying to make arrangements for entertainment at the restaurant. Today we saw our first repeat customers, and more local customers. We had a fair Wednesday, one of the best we have had, but not enough to really warrant the cost yet. We are struggling, especially since my wife Arleta is ill with a serrious infection. She is our best cook and baker, and now we are down on our best selling point the cakes and pies. We will pull it out, but I am not sure how. We need about $3400.00 by the 15th to pay our immediate bills and save the farm. I don't know there was more, but for now I will sign off.


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