Thursday, July 06, 2006


Today from the Iroquois Farm

This morning we got a late start, and I don't know why, I was up early enough. Just seems some days nothing gets going. I was in the restaurant most of the morning. Spent a few moments trimming grass in the B&B garden, but didn't really get much else done outside. Today was not as good as I would have liked it to be, but I think things are starting to get better. We are facing a non payment this month on our rent, because other bills have mounted, and need to be paid, but we will hopefully find someone who will help us out. What we need is a few of entertainers around here to come over and agree to do a show. One problem is the cabins, because if people are staying there they think we have to give them all this space, but we believe it is our space, well anyways it doesn't matter.

Everything is been about the restaurant lately, and we need to focus on so much. Any volunteers or others that would like to contribute in any way, just jump in.

Now to the state of the people here. My wife Arleta is battling a serious infection of the lymph glands, and that devastates myself, and makes life more difficult here. Kyle as always is working along, if he has been rather light lately, maybe he is running down a bit. Mary is starting to pick up a bit, but she still needs encouragement, although giving her more to do, especially in the area of administration seem to help some. Jessica is still fighting her urban desires and misconceptions of modern life, but that will fade as she begins to understand the truth of her being here. Paul, well, that remains to be seen if he will make sacrifices and strides to fit the hand to wheel.

New projects have taken back, there will be no water wheel this year, maybe not even a potters wheel, and kiln, but I at least hope to get the wind plant and the forge in place by fall, there is too much to do to spend much more time on this here, so I will try to keep writing in bits and pieces.

Mahlon seems to have left us now, except he is ever at the door, at least until we can figure a way to arrange the financial backing to purchase the property from him.

Well that's all for now, please post any comments as we can't get out much, but we really appreciate the comments anyhow.

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